The majority of my photographs are taken when I am away from home. I suspect that this is because I stop looking in the detail required when I am on familiar ground. The images are not intended as a travelogue but are purely of whatever interests or amuses.

I believe the brain conditions us into seeing what it thinks we want to see. In consequence we miss much of the visual excitement that surrounds us.

For example, we are conditioned to focus on what is behind glass because that is what we have programmed the brain to expect rather than on what it reflects.

A camera can overcome this and quite often, when we retake control of focus, what we have been missing is revealed.

I have a love of architecture, particularly modern architecture, probably because of the abundance of glass used. The outward appearance and touch of glass is of hard flatness when, in reality, it has a surface akin to that of moving water.

These subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, imperfections

mixing reflection, refraction and what is behind the glass reveal composite, often complicated images which challenge the viewer.

I have also become fascinated by how the quality of graffiti continues to improve but am still a nimby on that score.

I suppose one could differentiate between murals, wall art and graffiti but nevertheless the boundary continues to blur.

Mike Reeve